Dewdrop Portfolios

Dewdrop portfolios are for use by people who want the real value of their investment to at least keep pace with inflation over the longer term and are happy to have shorter term drops in value as a trade off. Our approach is for clients with a long-term investment horizon (typically five years or longer).

We have a range of portfolios to suit different types of investors, however, we do not offer portfolios for low risk or very high risk investors.

The range of portfolios would sit on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of volatility risk as follows:

Low Volatility Risk
Typically Lower Rewards
Higher Volatility Risk
Typically Higher Rewards
The objective of the Dewdrop portfolios is to provide a diversified portfolio for different risk return profiles as defined by percentage allocation to equities. The strategy uses a strategic asset allocation model of major asset classes with a tactical asset allocation overlay.

We try to keep things simple, so these portfolio objectives need some further explanation.

‘Diversified portfolio’ means spreading your investments across different types of holdings which will include stocks & shares, property companies, fixed interest (loans to governments and companies), cash and investments that behave like cash and commodities like precious metals, water, timber for example. This diversification helps to control and spread the volatility risk.

‘Defined by a percentage of allocation to equities’ means when we look at the volatility risk of each portfolio we say that the UK FTSE 100 companies have a risk of ‘100’ and that cash has a volatility risk of ‘0’. The portfolio's risk then sits somewhere on the scale between 1 and 100, so a middle of the road portfolio would be around ‘50’ on this scale but will change within certain limits over time.

‘A strategic asset allocation model’ basically means that once we have allocated the main asset classes outlined above to create a portfolio that sits within a risk scale we then review this and make tactical decisions based on market and economic trends to slide the risk of the portfolio jup and down within its risk range boundaries but trying to reduce exposure to things going down in value and increase exposure to things increasing in value.

Cumulative Performance (%) Discrete Annual Performance (%)
1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 0-12m 12-24m 24-36m 36-48m 48-60m
Portfolio 5 5.35 5.29 19.81 5.35 2.63 -2.62 14.61 -0.71
Portfolio 6 8.68 9.74 26.25 8.68 2.76 -1.73 16.71 -1.42
Portfolio 7 10.31 12.53 30.84 10.31 2.87 -0.84 18.87 -2.18
Portfolio 8 11.95 15.36 35.44 11.95 2.98 0.06 21.05 -3.01
Portfolio 9 13.32 28.66 52.40 13.32 12.28 1.12 23.26 -3.91
Dewdrop Portfolio Performance Comparison as at 31/07/2024
Dewdrop Portfolio 5
The aim of the portfolio is to increase the value of your investment by at least the rate of inflation plus 1.00% each year, averaged over any 5 year period*
Dewdrop Portfolio 6
The aim of the portfolio is to increase the value of your investment by at least the rate of inflation plus 1.50% each year, averaged over any 5 year period*
Dewdrop Portfolio 7
The aim of the portfolio is to increase the value of your investment by at least the rate of inflation plus 2.00% each year, averaged over any 5 year period*
Dewdrop Portfolio 8
The aim of the portfolio is to increase the value of your investment by at least the rate of inflation plus 2.50% each year, averaged over any 5 year period*
Dewdrop Portfolio 9
The aim of the portfolio is to increase the value of your investment by at least the rate of inflation plus 3.00% each year, averaged over any 5 year period*
*There are no guarantees with investment strategies. Returns may be lower than expected. The value of Investments can fall as well as rise. As with all actively managed portfolios, transactional costs apply when the Investment Manager buys and sells funds and ETFs, these charges will reduce the growth of your investment. Dewdrop uses the UK Consumer Price Index as the measure of inflation.

Lakeside, BizHub,
Longfields Court,
Wharncliffe Business Park,
Middlewoods Way,
Barnsley, S71 3GN
Tel: 03301 004 803
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Dewdrop was founded in 2021 to support
personal financial planning, such as
pensions, investments and savings.
Copyright © 2021. Dewdrop Limited
All investing comes with risks. The value of investments can go down as well as up so you may get back less than you put in.
Copyright © 2021 Dewdrop, is a trading style of Lakeside Portfolio Services Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, no. 838612, registered in England and Wales, no. 11787262, with a registered office at 2 Lakeview Stables, St. Clere, Sevenoaks TN15 6NL.
The content of this website is for information purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Dewdrop does not offer financial advice. If you’re unsure as to the suitability of a product or investment you should seek advice from a qualified Financial Adviser. You may have to pay for advice.